

Copy Cat Magazine Project


Project Specifications

Points: 150 Points

Program: Indesign, Photoshop

Filename: LastnameFirstInitialMagazine.ai

Requirements: Click here for Rubric

  • Task 1:      You are to choose a magazine that you would like to “Copy Cat”:  Larger than 800 x 600 must have place on page two of an indesign document: (must have following criters) No National Inquirer and no Time… They are overused and lack creativity)
      • Minimum of 4 articles (teasers)
      • One more image other than the main image
      • Varying fonts
      • At least one effect (stoke, gradient,  etc)
      • Layered main image (Goes overtop of name of magazine)—If it does not you need to make it so it does
      • At least one design Shape (ie line, circle, square, bullets etc (NOTE: No tabloids like US or Weekly News or TIME)
  • Task 2:  Print Task 1 to B/W Printer Write appropriate teasers-you cannot use the article titles from the original. Refer to scoring guide as you work. Label all requirements on the copycat. Turn in for approval.
  • Task 3: Identify fonts and get photographs. Put them in a folder for this project. You may use a few internet photographs, but personally taken/scanned photos for main focus is Mandatory. Quality matters….Facebook and Instagram pictures will be hard to use and get all quality points.
  • Task 4:  Work using scoring guide. Be sure to match fonts as closely as possible including font style, weight, letter spacing, and line spacing.
  • Task 5: Screen check peer reviews. This will be turned in with the final copy.
  • Task 6: Print final copy in color, turn in all materials including labeled copycat, peer review,

Dimensions: 8.5" x 11" sheet of Paper 2 pages

Turning in Digital PDF of the Document

Print: Print full resolution of your magazine as well as original copy cat one to color printer. See example(s) below.